News list for " o3"

OpenAI founder Sam Altman: The free version of ChatGPT will be available in the O3-mini.

OpenAI founder Sam Altman: The free version of ChatGPT will be available in the O3-mini.

2025-01-24 01:23:17
OpenAI创始人Sam Altman:ChatGPT的免费版将会推出O3-mini。

OpenAI创始人Sam Altman:ChatGPT的免费版将会推出O3-mini。

2025-01-24 01:23:17
Some smart money invested 137,000 dollars to trade ELON and made a profit of 1.015 million dollars

According to on-chain data analyst @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, smart money Do3QP... oXMbc trading ELON (Official Elon Coin) invested 137,000 US dollars has made a profit of 1.015 million US dollars, a return of 740%.

2025-01-19 18:01:06

据链上数据分析师@ai_9684xtpa 监测,聪明钱 Do3QP...oXMbc 交易 ELON (Official Elon Coin)投入 13.7 万美金已获利 101.5 万美金,回报率 740%。

2025-01-19 18:01:06
OpenAI plans to release a new AI model, o3 mini, in the coming weeks, which will include both APIs and ChatGPT.

OpenAI plans to release its new AI model, the o3 mini, in the coming weeks. CEO Sam Altman announced that the launch will include both APIs and ChatGPT, and integrate user feedback. The company had previously aimed to launch the o3 mini in January 2025, with a full o3 model expected to follow.

2025-01-19 12:00:11
OpenAI计划未来几周发布新AI模型o3 mini,将同时包含API和ChatGPT

OpenAI计划在未来几周内发布其新的AI模型o3 mini。首席执行官Sam Altman宣布,此次发布将同时包含API和ChatGPT,并整合用户反馈。该公司之前的目标是在2025年1月推出o3 mini,随后预计会推出完整的o3模型。

2025-01-19 12:00:11
1. OpenAI开发者体验负责人:即将向开发者推出o3-mini。2. 阿尔特曼:通用人工智能由OpenA...

1. OpenAI开发者体验负责人:即将向开发者推出o3-mini。2. 阿尔特曼:通用人工智能由OpenAI率先实现,人类将不再是地球上最聪明的。3. 谷歌CEO认为Gemini能力“已超竞争对手”,目标到年底使用人数达5亿。4. 阶跃星辰推理模型Step R-mini上线。5. 上海去年累计有63款大模型通过备案,新能源汽车推广165万辆。6. 消息称天猫精灵硬件团队与夸克产品团队融合,将探索AI眼镜等硬件。7. 面壁智能发布MiniCPM-o 2.6全模态模型,号称“端侧GPT-4o”。8. 微软为企业推出Copilot Chat:提供免费AI聊天和按需付费AI代理功能。9. 魏哲家:AI成台积电最大“聚宝盆”,驱动未来五年收入复合增长率超20%。10. 2025 ASC世界大学生超级计算机竞赛启动,最新诺奖人工智能成果成为赛题。11. 字节跳动豆包全新上线AI编程功能:支持一键上传多个本地代码文件、实时引入GitHub开源仓库。

2025-01-17 12:00:25


2025-01-16 18:28:45
OpenAI announces new o3 model

On December 21st, OpenAI released its next-generation inference model, o3, on Friday. This is the latest version of the o1 "inference" model released earlier this year. Just like o1, o3 is a family of models, and o3-mini is a smaller lite model that is specifically fine-tuned for specific tasks. OpenAI claims that o3 can come close to achieving AGI, at least under certain conditions. Greg Brockman, president of OpenAI, said that our latest inference model, o3, is a breakthrough, with step functi...

2024-12-21 03:11:25

12月21日讯,周五OpenAI发布了下一代推理模型o3,这是今年早些时候发布的o1“推理”模型的最新版本。就像o1一样,o3是一个模型家族,o3-mini是一款更小的精简版模型,专门针对特定任务进行了微调。OpenAI声称,至少在某些条件下,o3可以接近实现AGI。OpenAI总裁Greg Brockman表示,我们最新的推理模型o3是一个突破,在我们最困难的基准上有了阶跃函数的改进。我们现在开始安全测试和红队演练。

2024-12-21 03:11:25
OpenAI announces new o3 model

On Friday OpenAI released its next-generation inference model, o3, the latest version of the o1 "inference" model released earlier this year. Just like o1, o3 is a family of models, and o3-mini is a smaller lite model that is specifically fine-tuned for specific tasks. OpenAI claims that o3 can come close to achieving AGI, at least under certain conditions. According to OpenAI President Greg Brockman, our latest inference model, o3, is a breakthrough, with step function improvements on our most ...

2024-12-21 03:40:27

周五OpenAI发布了下一代推理模型o3,这是今年早些时候发布的o1“推理”模型的最新版本。就像o1一样,o3是一个模型家族,o3-mini是一款更小的精简版模型,专门针对特定任务进行了微调。OpenAI声称,至少在某些条件下,o3可以接近实现AGI。OpenAI总裁Greg Brockman表示,我们最新的推理模型o3是一个突破,在我们最困难的基准上有了阶跃函数的改进。我们现在开始安全测试和红队演练...

2024-12-21 03:40:27